From aardvarks to zebras, creatures need shelter. Birds build their nests. Beavers build dams in streams to make their lodges. Mice dig burrows. Some, like turtles and snails, carry their homes with them.
Humans also build shelters, in all kinds of places, shapes, and sizes. We live up on mountaintops and also deep underground. Our houses are designed like circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, and domes, and they range in size from tiny one-room huts to enormous palaces.
Ever since prehistoric man first took refuge in caves, humans have needed shelter. Shelters protect people from enemies – animal, human, and imaginary. They also protect people from the weather, keeping out wind, rain, snow, and sweltering heat. They provide a place to store food, to rest, and to sleep.
Join Kids Discover as we voyage around the world and even back into the mists of time. We’ll examine the many types of structures that people call “home.”