Ready for a fun new way to discover?!
Choose a Virtual Scavenger Hunt below and earn badges as you go!
Watch this short video to see how Scavenger Hunts work.

Scavenger Hunt: The Constitution
Ready to go on an adventure with one of the most important documents in American h istory? The Constitution Scavenger Hunt awaits!

Scavenger Hunt: Ancient Monuments
Here’s your chance to go on a quest through w orld h istory to find the most magnificent monuments on Earth. Ready. Set. Go directly to our Ancient Monuments Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger Hunt: Historic Firsts
You don’t want to miss this chance to connect with h istorical f igures who defied the odds to be first. They’re all waiting for you in our Historic Firsts Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger Hunt: Muscles
Care to tour the part of the h uman b ody that makes up almost half its weight? On your mark. Get set. Go straight to our Muscles Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger Hunt: In Motion!
Feel like taking a chance with the angles and twists of physical science that shape your world? Check out our Scavenger Hunt, In Motion!

Scavenger Hunt: Earthly Extremes
Here’s your chance to go on a quest through geography and more to find some of the amazing extremes on Earth. Ready. Set. Go directly to our Earthly Extremes Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger Hunt: Bright Ideas
Here’s your chance to go on a quest through technology to find the coolest ideas ever. Ready. Set. Go directly to our Bright Ideas Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger Hunt: Living Things
Ready to go on a journey to discover some of the world’s most amazing examples of life on Earth? Our Living Things Scavenger Hunt awaits!