Fill In Sentences:
Saving and Spending
Fill in each blank box with the word from the above list that best completes the sentence.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
You will not be able to edit the results after submission, but you will be able to retake the entire activity.
Definition Matching:
Saving and Spending
For each vocabulary word in the left column, locate its definition in the right column.
Type the number of the correct definition in the blank before the word.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
You will not be able to edit the results after submission, but you will be able to retake the entire activity.
Saving and Spending
People make spending choices every day. They spend their income on things they need. Sometimes, people decide to make saving choices too. They make financial goals and create budgets to help them meet those goals.
This Unit explores the world of choices we make with our money, where that money comes from, and why it's important to make smart decisions with our saving and spending.
8 Topics in this unit
A Fair Trade
“I’ll trade you my apple for your banana.”
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Money Makers
You know that people trade money for goods and services, but how do they get that money in ...
- 700L
To Spend or Not to Spend
People make spending choices every day. They spend much of their income on things they need.
- 700L
Stick to the Budget
How do people know that they will have enough money to pay for things and still be able to ...
- 700L
Money Through Time
Money has taken many forms through the years.
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Decision Time
Now that you have learned about budgets, you know that you cannot simply buy everything yo ...
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Your Human Capital
A budget helps you make decisions about how to spend your capital, or the money you have. ...
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Kids at Work
Many kids do not wait until they are adults to start working. Some kids work to learn more ...
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