After his enlightenment, Buddha spent his life traveling around northern India and sharing his teachings. By the time of his death, around 483 BCE, he had many followers.
Some of his followers became monks and nuns, men and women who devote their lives to studying and teaching religious beliefs. At first, the monks and nuns wandered around the countryside. Later, they settled down into communities called monasteries.
Today, there are Buddhist monasteries in many countries around the world. What is life like for the monks and nuns there?
Monks live in separate monasteries from nuns. In a typical monastery, the monks or nuns shave their heads and wear robes. They eat simple food and own very few things. They vow to follow a strict code of discipline. Monks and nuns spend much of their time in meditation and study. They may also work in the monastery, teach, or perform religious services for other Buddhists.