Fill In Sentences:
Buried Treasure
Fill in each blank box with the word from the above list that best completes the sentence.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
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Definition Matching:
Buried Treasure
For each vocabulary word in the left column, locate its definition in the right column.
Type the number of the correct definition in the blank before the word.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
You will not be able to edit the results after submission, but you will be able to retake the entire activity.

Buried Treasure
In Buried Treasure, kids will discover that “treasure” can mean much, much more than just a buried trunk full of pirate booty. Treasures of all kinds are explored here: from the gold, silver, and gems recovered from shipwrecks to the ancient art found in European caves and the golden glories of King Tut’s tomb.
Kids will launch their explorations with the story of the Atocha, a 17th-century Spanish shipwreck containing $400 worth of valuable loot that took Mel Fisher and his team of divers over 16 years to recover. They’ll also learn about other recovered shipwrecks, including the Titanic, and check out the most famous ones on a map of shipwreck sites around the world.
Other kinds of buried treasure – for kids interested in archaeology – take the spotlight next. They’ll read about the incredible drawings, weapons, and tools left deep in caves by Ice Age people, and take a look at finds from renowned cave sites like Altamira, in Spain. Next, they’ll dig deep into the tomb of the Lord of Sipán in Peru, marvel at the jade shroud of a Han dynasty prince, and examine the priceless articles recovered from Egyptian tombs. Finally, they’ll be encouraged to look for valuable finds close to home with a section on how stamps, coins, comics, and other collectibles can be considered today’s “buried treasure”. For kids who have the collecting bug, this issue is sure to become a prized possession!
7 Topics in this unit
The Rosetta Stone and Other Buried Treasures
Imagine finding a buried treasure!
- 560L-740L
- 750L-890L
- 900L-1040L
Treasures from the 17th-Century Ship Atocha
On September 4, 1622, the mighty Spanish ship Nuestra Señora de Atocha sailed proud ...
- 560L-740L
- 750L-890L
- 900L-1040L
Twelve of the Most Valuable Cargoes Lost at Sea
For as long as people have been sailing, there have been shipwrecks.
- 560L-740L
- 750L-890L
- 900L-1040L
Ingots, Weapons, and Other Treasures Lost at Sea
The oldest known shipwreck yet recovered dates from around 1300 B.C.
- 560L-740L
- 750L-890L
- 900L-1040L
Treasures Found in Caves
Long, long before people lived in apartments and split-level homes, they lived in caves.
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- 750L-890L
- 900L-1040L
Mummies and More
Angry mummies in movies such as The Mummy and The Mummy’s Curse are annoyed at havin ...
- 560L-740L
- 750L-890L
- 900L-1040L
Treasures Close to Home
Treasures in your attic, basement, and backyard?
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- 750L-890L
- 900L-1040L