Winter is coming. Are you ready to help your village prepare? Then grab that basket your mother made and go with her to dig up roots.
Later, you can help her hang them up to dry so they can be used as food in the colder months. While you and your mom are gathering roots, your dad is out with his bow and arrow, hunting elk with other men. They might be gone for days, but when they return, everyone will feast.
Like other California tribes, the Central Valley and Mountains groups had a smart way of getting work done. Each adult had a certain job – like hunting or gathering food. Kids sometimes helped out, too. When different people do different jobs, it’s called a division of labor. Some jobs needed an expert, or a person with a special skill. For example, a woman might be great at making acorn flour. She would specialize in that job. That means she did one job and learned to do it really well.