It’s 634 CE, and life is hard for Helena and her family. They are Christians, like the rulers of their homeland. But they’ve been treated badly because they disagree with the empire about certain beliefs.
One night Helena’s uncle brings news of war with an army of Arabs. They follow a new religion called Islam. Helena feels worried. But her uncle says the Arabs just want to rule Syria. As long as the people pay tribute to them, they’ll be allowed to keep their own religion.
Muhammad died in 632. By that time, most Arabian tribes had converted to Islam. Muslims chose Abu Bakr (UH-boo BAK-uhr), Muhammad’s father-in-law and one of the first followers of Islam, as their next leader. He became the first caliph (KAY-luhf), or successor to Muhammad. Muhammad’s early successors had to rule according to the Qur’an. But they weren’t considered prophets like Muhammad was. Abu Bakr led his people to create a single Muslim state.