What image pops into your mind when you hear the word Martian? Perhaps it’s Marvin the Martian from the comics – bald, with bulging forehead, skinny arms, oversized eyes?
Science fiction has given us certain images of Martians.
So far, however, no living Martians have been found, but many scientists are convinced that extraterrestrial (alien) life exists somewhere in the universe, and Mars is a likely place. Research suggests that about 3 or 4 billion years ago, the planet had lots of running water and a milder climate, so Martians may have existed then.
Forget the bulging foreheads, though. These Martians would have been microbes – too small to see. As the climate grew more hostile, life forms could not have evolved into anything much bigger or better. Today, life forms are much less likely. Because of the sun’s radiation, the surface of Mars is sterile.