Blood is a life-and-death issue.
How does blood keep you alive? Every second of every day, blood delivers vital nutrients, oxygen, and other chemicals to all of your organs. It also carts away your body’s waste. In addition, flowing blood can cool you off or warm you up, when necessary. Blood is also your best weapon against germs and other invaders. Your bloodstream creates microscopic defenders called antibodies. They coat germs, making it possible for white blood cells in the bloodstream to kill them.
However, the very liquid that keeps you alive can also kill you. Within hours, blood can spread poisons and other harmful elements all over your body. Deadly diseases travel from one body to another via the bloodstream. Your blood may not have the right kinds of defenders or enough defenders to protect you.
How can blood both give life and take it away? Read this “life-and-death” issue to find out!