Fill In Sentences:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Fill in each blank box with the word from the above list that best completes the sentence.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
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Definition Matching:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
For each vocabulary word in the left column, locate its definition in the right column.
Type the number of the correct definition in the blank before the word.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
You will not be able to edit the results after submission, but you will be able to retake the entire activity.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg
By her own account, she had three strikes against her: She was Jewish, a woman, and a mother. Yet, Ruth Bader Ginsburg used her keen mind and her dedication to rise from being the daughter of shopkeepers in Brooklyn, New York to one of the foremost thinkers of our time.
In this unit, kids discover the experiences in Ginsburg’s early life that shaped her commitment to working toward gender equality in her adult life. Future lawyers will enjoy following key cases in her career that either made or overturned existing law. Each case is presented in an easy-to-digest narrative that describes the situation, the law, and the outcome. Kids will also want to dive into decisions she agreed with or dissented from as a Supreme Court Justice, all the while keeping a focus on the 5th and 14th Amendments guaranteeing equal protection under the law–for gender as well as race, as she argued. Each case could be the basis of a lively–and relevant–class discussion.
Everyone will enjoy discovering details about Justice Ginsburg’s persona–why she added a jabot, or fancy collar, to her robe; how she became known as the “Notorious RBG”; and what exercises she did in her biweekly workout as an octogenarian. It’s all here, and more. You and your kids won’t want to miss it.
3 Topics in this unit
Gender Rules
Imagine that someone tells you that you can’t do something because you have big feet ...
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- 750L-890L
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Attorney at Law
Have you ever watched a police procedural show or a movie about a trial?
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- 750L-890L
- 900L-1040L
From Judge to Justice
In the United States, the court system is where disputes, or disagreements, are settled.
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- 750L-890L
- 900L-1040L