Fill In Sentences:
Jane Goodall
Fill in each blank box with the word from the above list that best completes the sentence.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
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Definition Matching:
Jane Goodall
For each vocabulary word in the left column, locate its definition in the right column.
Type the number of the correct definition in the blank before the word.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
You will not be able to edit the results after submission, but you will be able to retake the entire activity.
Jane Goodall
Once, when Jane Goodall was a youngster, her family had thought she’d gone missing, only to find out she had been in the family henhouse for hours, hoping to discover how hens lay eggs. This is just one of the incidents kids will discover as they get to know Goodall’s love of animals, her curiosity, and her patience – all qualities that helped her live her dream.
Kids will follow Goodall as she builds a life that takes her to Tanzania, Africa, at the age of 23. They’ll discover how patience and determination enabled Goodall to observe chimpanzee behavior that upended conventional wisdom. And they’ll explore how Goodall’s work with chimpanzees led her to become a world-renowned conservationist.
Animal lovers will appreciate the gallery of chimp photos that exemplify some of the behaviors Goodall described, while future scientists will recognize the role evidence has in supporting new ideas and changing the minds of colleagues. Future activists will find value in discovering how they could become involved in conservation through Roots & Shoots, an offshoot of the Jane Goodall Institute comprised of kid-generated projects throughout the world. And all readers will find in Goodall’s own words an impressive role model of self-confidence and science exploration.
3 Topics in this unit
Never Say Never
Jane Goodall was a young girl with a dream.
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Patience Pays Off
Imagine living in a tent in the jungle, rising at dawn, hiking deep into the jungle, and s ...
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The Work Never Ends
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