Fill In Sentences:
Flags and Other Symbols
Fill in each blank box with the word from the above list that best completes the sentence.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
You will not be able to edit the results after submission, but you will be able to retake the entire activity.
Definition Matching:
Flags and Other Symbols
For each vocabulary word in the left column, locate its definition in the right column.
Type the number of the correct definition in the blank before the word.
Be Sure to fill in all of the answers before you click submit.
You will not be able to edit the results after submission, but you will be able to retake the entire activity.
Flags and Other Symbols
A symbol is something that stands for something else, like our flag is a symbol of the United States. Can you find another US symbol in your classroom? There are many other items, and even some songs, that are symbols of our country. Let's read about them!
8 Topics in this unit
The Flag We Wave
We live in the United States of America.
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Our National Anthem
Our national anthem is our country’s song. The words say we love our country.
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The Liberty Bell
The Liberty Bell stands for freedom. Freedom is being able to act and speak as you want.
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Bald Eagle
The bald eagle is the national bird. It stands for strength.
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Mount Rushmore
This is Mount Rushmore. Mount Rushmore honors four presidents. Which ones do you know about?
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Statue of Liberty
The Statue of Liberty stands for freedom.
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Our Capital City
Washington, D.C., is the nation’s capital. Our country’s government is here.
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State Symbols and Flags
Each state has symbols.
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